Below are some highlights of the week:
Home/School Folder:
Our Green Folders come home on Friday. Please help your child remember to get it out of their bag and unpack it. Please send it back by the following Friday.
Our Nature Cat newsletter will go out every week. If you have a question or concern please feel free to call or email us anytime. If you send an email to us after 4:30 we will try our best to get back to you by the end of the next school day!
Early Release:
A reminder that next Wednesday is the first early release day of the year. Students will be dismissed at approximately 12:15 and buses will leave approximately 12:30. Lunch will be provided as usual.
If you would like to volunteer in the classroom you must first fill out the volunteer sign-up form on the UCS Website. The link can be found under the Families tab. This form must be updated every 5 years.
Learning highlights from the week:
Math- We began transitioning to our math classes this week. Ms Jones and Mrs Eakes will be teaching second grade math. All of our 2nd Graders will have Mrs. Eakes. Mrs. Ferreira and I will be teaching first grade math. Our class will have 7 of Ms. Jones’ students come into our class and join us. This week first graders explored counting collections and 10 frames while second graders explored ways to get to 10 with multiple addends and filled in pattern block shapes.
Reading- We worked on Reader’s Workshop routines. We are working on Reading to Self and Word Work. On Friday we added Read to a Stuffed Friend. This was a highlight for our learners.
Community- We read several new social emotional books this week. We learned about how we have thoughts and feelings and we give others thoughts and feelings. We talked about the type of thoughts we can give people. In addition we learned about the Group Plan! Ask your child to tell you all about it!
Celebrations- We have 1 chrysalis and 1 caterpillar to observe! Thank you for sending them in! Reminder- if you find any at home and want to add to our collection we would love to care for them!
Some of our self portraits!

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