What a fantastic week! We have had another week of playing, laughing and learning. We are getting to know each other and the routines and expectations of the classroom. I can honestly say that every day we feel more and more like a community. I am looking forward to an incredible year.
Important Information:
Please notify both myself and the front office for pending absences and tardies. This can be via email, note or phone call. Also, if by any chance, end of day plans change, please send a note to both myself and to Connie at connie.arceneult@mmuusd.org. I do not always have a chance to check my email in the afternoon, so this way we will be sure to see the message.
Calling All Large Zucchinis: Our Zucchini Relay will be held on Thursday September 29th. If you have an overly large zucchini growing in your garden that you would like to contribute to our race, we would love to have it. Don’t pick it yet! Let it grow and we’ll be in touch when we would like them brought to school. If you would like to come see the race it begins at 1:45 sharp!
Picture Day: September 29th. Picture envelopes are in home folders today!
Open House Morning: We will be holding an Open House Morning on Thursday October 13th from 7:30-8:30. Come in if you can and see what your child has been working on!
Learning highlights from the week:
Math- Second graders are working on combinations of numbers under 20 as well as an exploration of coin names and their value. First graders have been practicing counting to 20, playing Roll and Record and One More/One Less
Reading- Because we will be running literacy time using skill stations this year, the focus of our time right now continues to be how we function within a center model. This includes; rotating through stations, building stamina and keeping our voice level low while reviewing letter sounds.
Writing- This week we started creating our own books. Students are drawing and writing about adventures that have happened to them or things they do! They enjoyed building their books this week.

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