Highlights From the Week:
Math- First grade students have been using their understanding of partners to 10 and doubles facts to add problems with 3 digits. (4+2+6=? WE KNOW 6+4=10, therefore 10+2=12) Second graders are working on solving missing addend problems. For example:
65 + _______ = 100
65 + 5 = 70
70 + 30 = 100 So 65 + 35 = 100
Reading- A few students are working on book clubs, reading a variety of genres ranging from mysteries, to realistic fiction stories about friendship. Others are working on fluency with decodable readers. We also continue to work hard on blending and segmenting words, and reading and spelling sight words.
Writing- Handwriting has become our writing time focus. If your child struggles with letter formation, it will slow down their writing. In turn, this can make them lose interest in writing altogether. On the other hand, if they form their letters correctly, they'll be able to write more quickly and fluently.
Social Studies - We took off on Air UCS on our flight to Nepal this week. Since our focus is on landforms we have been learning about Mt. Everest. We also made peace flags and Isla shared some wonderful pictures of her family in traditional clothing. Next stop Australia!
Mindfulness- For the month of December we will be talking about empathy and peace.

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