Learning highlights from the week:
Math- 1st Grade math students started a new mini unit on shapes. Students will be describing, identifying and comparing attributes of 2D shapes as well as composing and decomposing 2D shapes. Second Graders continue their work with story problems. Their focus is using an efficient strategy to accurately solve both addition and subtraction problems. Students are using Counting on and Counting back strategies as well as number lines and some are even breaking apart 10’s and 1’s to add.
Literacy- Students are working on a number of different reading skills such as words ending in -ck and -ng, sounding out words with a short o sound, and open and closed syllables. Some students have started working in book clubs where the focus will be on comprehension strategies.
Writing- Students have begun stories with a beginning, middle and an ending. These stories about our lives and things we do.

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