The Quietest of Quiet Writing! Well Done!
Learning highlights from the week:
Math Second Grade: Second graders are beginning their work on their understanding of multiplicative reasoning. We’ve been using repeated addition to solve equations and building arrays.
Reading: We continue our work with spelling/reading patterns. We are also studying character traits. Next week we will begin a classroom read aloud to help us with this work.
Writing: We are continuing to work on persuasive writing. Students wrote about their favorite food and what is the best pet to get. They are learning to use reasons and details to help convince their reader.
Science: This week for our unit on space, we took a virtual trip out into space to the international space station. We learned that they use tortillas because bread is too crumbly. We learned that they have to velcro everything down so it doesn’t float away, and we learned that eating pudding in space seems like a lot of fun!
- Mindfulness: As always, focused breathing is such an important part of our day. We also did some more practicing using a happy memory to help us get calm.