Learning highlights from the week:
Math- First graders Finished our unit on missing addends this week. We ended the unit with a math game day! Our next unit focuses on using place value to add and subtract within 120.
Second graders: Second graders are learning all about measurement. We will be using both standard and non standard units to measure.
Reading- Students continue to work on phonics skills such as silent e CVCe pattern and R controlled vowels and vowel teams. In addition we are using Dr Seuss books to explore story elements.
Writing- We are starting a new unit on persuasive writing. Students will write their opinion about things in our world.
Science- We all love our new science unit on Space and Patterns in the Sky. Friday we made star projectors and learned that the stars are always out but the sun’s light prevents us from seeing them during the day. Learners love our planet song and dwarf planet song. I included the links to the songs- warning- they are catchy and get stuck in your head!

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