Friday our learners wrote their first Friday Letters to their families. They come home in a black composition book. These letters tell a little snippet about our week. They are a great way for families to learn more about our week and watch our learners progress as writers throughout the year. Sometimes our Friday Letters might be a bit tough to read. If you can't read your child's letter, just ask them to tell you about their week. Please write a note back to them, they love to read your letters! Help your learner remember to return the notebook by next Friday so they can write back to you.
We also welcomed Grandma Sue to our all school morning meeting to thank her for the beautiful mural art she sponsored. Grandma Sue sang songs with us and shared her love of art and music with our learners. She is truly a special part if the UCS community!
Learning highlights from the week:
Math- Second graders are beginning work on Place Value. We have been building 10’s and 1’s with unifix cubes and using those tools to help us solve math problems. First Graders are continuing with their geometry unit and will wrap that unit up next week.
Literacy- Wow, literacy stations are going so well. Students are engaged, working hard and doing some great reading. I have started book clubs with a few students. During these book clubs we will work on comprehension skills and look at author’s craft. Other students are working on skills such as blending words together, recognizing and sounding out digraphs, beginning and ending blends and automaticity of all short vowel sounds.
Writing-We created our “big adventures” stories, and we’re looking forward to writing about the silly, funny and memorable moments in our lives.
Mindfulness- As always, mindfulness is a big part of our day at school. We have been talking about the parts of the brain, especially the amygdala and the prefrontal cortex or the PFC. We have also been talking about courage and what it means to be courageous.

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