This week we celebrated our 1st Graders and their incredible job reading 120 hours. Students brought in games from home and shared them with our class. It was fantastic to watch our learners teach each other how to play their favorite games! We also shared our Reader’s Theater scripts with our 4th Grade buddies. Everyone did a fantastic job!
Here are a few things we worked on this week:
Suffix -ing and -ed
Understanding characters and their traits
Game Day Celebration!
Adding punctuation to our writing
Fluency and expression with our reading
Counting by 10 off the decade
Adding and subtracting multiples of 10 from any 2 digit number
Learned about the Moon- Earth’s only natural satellite
Learned about the phases of moon
Next week we will:
Select a favorite book and write a review of it
Add contractions to our phonics and spelling
Complete our reading assessments
Continue our work on character traits and problem/solution with our fictional texts
Adding and subtracting with 120 using place value
Writing 3 digit numbers
Explore patterns in the day and night sky