Wednesday, September 27, 2017
1st Dairy in the Classroom Visit
First Grade is so lucky to have received the Dairy in the Classroom grant again this year. This is an amazing outreach program that includes 5 classroom visits and a field trip to a local dairy farm. Today was our first visit with Miss Virginia. We learned all about dairy farms and how cows produce milk. We learned the 3 most common cows in Vermont are Holstein, Jersey and Black Angus. Each gives us somethings special. Holsteins produce the most milk, Jerseys make creamy milk and Black Angus give us meat. We also learned that cows only have bottom teeth! To complete our first visit, our class got a chance to make homemade butter. It was delicious! We will see Miss Virginia again in 2 weeks!
Thursday, September 21, 2017
Makerspace Exploration
Today our first graders got a chance to visit the RES Makerspace! This is a collaborative workspace located across from the Art room in RES. Today students explored materials and had a change to do a little engineering. Learners were able to follow expectations and designed and created everything from a marble roller coaster to googly eyed pals. As the year progresses, students will be working on STEM challenges in the Makerspace. Way to go First Graders!
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
You Are Special
First Graders have been learning about what makes each of us special as part of our first six weeks of school. We combined this self exploration with our rock unit and read the books Only One You and You be You by Linda Kranz. These amazing stories inspired us to create our own peace rocks. Each learner picked a creature to create. The peace rocks are a multi-step process and have required a lot of patience on the part of our first graders. Today we added the color to our rocks with Sharpie ink. Tomorrow we hope to add the sealer! We can't wait to show you our peace rocks at Open House next week.

Thursday, September 14, 2017
Science Exploration! Rocks
Today our first grade scientists took a closer look at different types of rocks. First we read the story Everybody Needs a Rock by Byrd Baylor. In the story we learn the 10 rules for selecting the perfect rock. Then our scientists got a chance to select 3 rocks and take a closer look. We looked for unique attributes in our rocks. We classified them by size, color and texture. It was amazing to was our learners take a second and third examination of their rocks. They noticed many new things as they continued to explore.

Monday, September 11, 2017
Our first graders love our Math Workshop! Today we played a game called Compare and Double Compare. Students flip over a card and the compare the number. The larger number wins the round! As students mastered Compare, some had time to play Double Compare. During this version students flip over 2 cards and add them together. The higher pair wins the round. I am so proud of our mathematicians. Not only are they learning amazing computation skills, but they are also learning how to work with a partner and play games fairly. 

Tuesday, September 5, 2017
Collecting 20 and More!
First Grade Mathematicians really dug into forward sequence counting today! We started off playing a game called Collect 20. During the game each partner takes a turn rolling the dice and adding that many to the cube collection. After a little review, we were soon collecting 20 and beyond. At the end of our math time, teams wanted to count all the cubes in their bins. It was a counting celebration with some amazing teamwork!

Monday, September 4, 2017
We Are All Unique!
During our first week of school, our first graders have spent time getting to know each other. We learned that each of us that have things that make us unique. We practiced turning and talking to a partner and sharing something special about ourselves. Then our learners did a small writing project that focused on something they felt made them unique. We were so excited to share our work, that we decided to post it in the halls for all to see! This week our focus is on our Hopes and Dreams. We will work to set goals for the year. Each student will select a broad goal for the year, something they want to improve on or learn more about. This is one of my favorite times of the year because I learn what is important to each one of our first graders!
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