Monday, December 19, 2016

Holidays Around the World- Israel

Our First Graders hopped on another flight and headed to Israel to celebrate Hanukkah!  After a tour of the country, we learned our favorite place to visit in Israel was the Dead Sea.  Did you know that you can float in the Dead Sea without treading water?  People travel from all over the world just to soak in the warm water.  Ask you child why it's called the Dead Sea.
After our tour, we played the Dreidel Game, sang songs, and made our own Menorahs.  It was a great stop!  Next were are headed to Germany! Stayed tuned! 

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Holidays Around the World- 1st Stop- Norway!

Our First Graders are learning about how people all over the world celebrate holidays in December.  We will explore a variety of traditions and cultures as part of our Community Unit- Our World! Students will also be learning basic mapping skills as we venture around the world.   

To begin our unit, all students applied for RES passports.  Students needed to know their address and well as their birthday to complete the application.  Once the passports were issued we were ready to travel.  Our first stop, Norway! Students boarded our plane and watched a short in flight movie that taught us all about traditions from Norway including Santa Lucia Day.  Students colored a map and flag for the country and then created their own Santa Lucia crown as a souvenir.  Stay tuned for our next stop!